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Software engineer specializing in Embedded Systems / Smart Home / Microcontroller. I've been away from the game for quite a while, so I've gotten very rusty. I am trying to rejoin the field programming Smart Phones, which is a brand new field for me.…

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345 Posted Topics

Member Avatar for happygeek

I had a very interesting conversation with some folks several years back. A friend and I were being recruited to join a startup VPN company. I know little about VPN and I didn't join the company, but a huge part of the conversation was the liability aspect as opposed to …

Member Avatar for New Beachboy
Member Avatar for Reverend Jim

Well there are a variety of reasons. I'm certainly no Trump fan and I'm one of those people who thought he would fizzle out fast, so I was wrong before and I'll admit it. But hey, we were pretty much all wrong, weren't we? I can't think of a single …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for stephen_21

> They don't help SEO or such any longer They actually help for spammers sometimes by keywords taking google hits AWAY from actual content. An example. Type this into google. I did... "Just a lone patriot acting alone at a fulcrum point" It's a forum that I read. The …

Member Avatar for nikitacod
Member Avatar for Reverend Jim

This won't stop with Great Britain. Brexit passing is going to spur lots of other nascent and not-so-nascent separatist movements. In the US, Texas, Alaska, and New Hampshire have flirted with seceding, and people have flirted with splitting California in two. I don't think any of these have a chance …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for samaru

Hardest programs for me have NEVER been hard because of technical/coding issues. It's been the interpersonal component every time in a variety of ways (unreasonable timeline, unreasonable spec, people not knowing what they want, people not knowing what was possible and just saying "get it done" without defining "it" or …

Member Avatar for Fest3er
Member Avatar for Reverend Jim

We had a self-driving car thread a while back that touched upon the ideas that driving involved making moral and value decisions and the psychology of predicting accidents by behavior as well as the obvious mechanical/technical decision making process. Let me throw a similar scenario out there... Already, today, we …

Member Avatar for Agilemind
Member Avatar for sanket_6

> kudos to anone who gets the reference No kudos for me then. Googling in 3-2-1... Found it. The bad link detector code has been yielding a lot of false positives. Your link is fine, RProffitt. Didn't know there was such a thing as a "Bachelor of Science in Visual …

Member Avatar for jmvazq
Member Avatar for ddanbe

The ethical considerations regarding "If the AI can avoid a fatal collision involving its own car only by causing a 20 car pileup of other cars, should it do so or should it sacrifice itself and its passengers?" are important and interesting and, like almost all ethical considerations, probably has …

Member Avatar for mike_2000_17
Member Avatar for davy_yg

If you can create a clickable link to a webpage, it doesn't take too much more effort to create a clickable link to a certain part of that webpage. Google "html anchor" for more info. If you can create a clickable link that takes the user where they want to …

Member Avatar for Daniel_87
Member Avatar for happygeek

How about Number 6: Sponsored "news", "matchings", and "research" will grow in 2018 to the point where there's more of it than the real thing and it reaches critical mass. This will include all measurements of popularity, likes, polling, etc. EVERYTHING will be ads of one type or another and …

Member Avatar for agustina
Member Avatar for Peter_64

>With apologies to Monty Python. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. I doubt they mind.

Member Avatar for Sagar_12
Member Avatar for Daniel_84

If I'm the compiler, I look at that line and I look here... and I look for a function called `Next` and I don't find anything by that name so I don't even bother looking at the `(1,11)` parameters. If I'm a HUMAN trying to compile it, I throw …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for Chahar

> I guess it's time then to loosen up these rules Time to make them visible too. I thought there was unanimous consent that there needs to be a link to the rules on the front page. I had to google them. Makes it easy for someone to pretend they …

Member Avatar for kiruthi_1
Member Avatar for happygeek

Out of curiosity, how did they pick which six nations would be the "Six Nations"? I'm also seeing Ireland, Wales, England, and Scotland. Is NORTHERN Ireland involved at all? If so, since there is no "Northern Ireland" team, do they play as part of the England team or the Ireland …

Member Avatar for happygeek
Member Avatar for rahaf_1

> i did everything right but it doesn't work Not trying to nitpick, but this is a contradiction in terms. I point this out not to be a smart-aleck, but to point out that this isn't the mindset you should be in when debugging. If you are debugging and positive …

Member Avatar for AssertNull
Member Avatar for Owais_2

Beware integer by integer division. The result is the FLOOR of that division. Thus 80 divided by 100 is 0, not 0.80. That's because an integer divided by an integer is an INTEGER, not a double. Thus this line (assuming Fexam equals 80)... double Final = (Fexam / 100) * …

Member Avatar for Owais_2
Member Avatar for Kemuel

This type of post is getting to be standard on this site. If there is a point to it, we're left to guess what that point is. It's annoying. I see it tagged with "Visual Basic 6", which I know next to nothing about EXCEPT that Microsoft told everyone not …

Member Avatar for AssertNull
Member Avatar for JohnMcPherson

> I am in the process of converting C code for a lot states from a 32-bit system to a 64-bit system I don't see a single line in there that would work in 32 bit C and not work in 64 bit C. I question whether you've truly isolated …

Member Avatar for JohnMcPherson
Member Avatar for munitjsr2

Well, what seems to be the problem? I ran your program after taking out the conio.h stuff since I see no need for it here plus I'm not good at debugging it. I prefer a plain old console program here. As the user, I want to be able to enter …

Member Avatar for AssertNull
Member Avatar for Aakanksha_1
Re: dfs

Also, there are TWO code dumps by TWO different users in TWO different languages in one thread, with no explanation from either user. Is this the same user with two different accounts? Who knows? The first post has more than one bracket mismatch. The second one has a memory leak. …

Member Avatar for AssertNull
Member Avatar for Mr.M

You could fit what I know about HTML5 in a test tube and have plenty of space left over, so I have nothing useful to say on that tag. BUT... I know something about your other three tags so I'll chime in anyway. Yes, your question is confusing. At least …

Member Avatar for Mr.M
Member Avatar for scheppy

Think more in terms of "intersecting", "overlapping", and "touching" rather than "colliding". Similar concepts but the math is easier if you think in terms of two shapes' PRESENT states (the terms I've used) as opposed to "colliding", which requires more thinking in terms of PAST states and motion. Make it …

Member Avatar for scheppy
Member Avatar for patk570

Hard-coding the raw data into a td element in the PHP code seems like a really bad idea. Generally you have a database or a text file or an XML file or something and PHP reads from that. Now the company is stuck with only the programmer of that particular …

Member Avatar for patk570
Member Avatar for davy_yg

Syntax seems fine. However I assume that you created and populated the tables in the following order? 1. offices 2. employees 3. customers employees has a foreign key constraint in offices, so offices must be created before employees. customers has a foreign key constraint in employees, so employees must be …

Member Avatar for davy_yg
Member Avatar for Raymond_12

My general advice for anyone trying to get a job without the "relevant experience" is that you need to make sure that you make up for that deficit by making your NON-relevant experience relevant. If rproffitt is correct regarding the job, you can "fake it till you make it" once …

Member Avatar for AssertNull
Member Avatar for scheppy

> I did find that running the model calculations in integers doesn't work well, especially when things are moving slowly. I use doubles for the model and just round to int when drawing the objects Agree. I never use integers for this kind of thing. Too much round-off error. More …

Member Avatar for scheppy
Member Avatar for Stefce

> The only thing I worry about here is someone thinking that what you asked for would fit in your hat or pocket. We're not that small yet. Are you sure? Does a 3 ounce real-life James Bond anti-surveillance device not exist? Real question and perhaps unanswerable. > This is …

Member Avatar for AssertNull
Member Avatar for AssertNull

I just posted something and had to go through the "Click the photos with street signs" test before my post was accepted. I was logged in. I don't remember ever doing this before here. Is this new? Is DW getting attacked with bots all of a sudden?

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for Mady_1

> Is there a question? Guessing it was intended as a tutorial or a code sample and the OP didn't flag it as such. Just a guess since the OP doesn't say so explicitly other than in the title, which is insufficient in my view. OP, don't be afraid to …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for John_165

Not sure where 21 came from. I get 10 as well. Which is wrong, yes? >find the smallest integer n such that n^3 is greater than 1000 10 to the 3rd power EQUALS 1000. It is not GREATER THAN 1000.

Member Avatar for rproffitt

The End.