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345 Posted Topics

Member Avatar for vegaseat

"There has never been a protracted war from which a country has benefited." - sun tzu

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for MktgRob

The affiliate game is brutal. Commissions start off low and usually don't get much higher. My advice would be to pick a niche market where you see potential for growth. Also - find out commission percentages before you dive in, factor in your hosting costs and marketing budget. Expect to …

Member Avatar for kaaya_1
Member Avatar for thesuggestr

i've paid for Press Releases with PR Web. It's not going to bring you huge traffic but it will definitely help get the word out. Their press releases are often picked up by third-party aggregators and will certainly make their way into the Search Engines. Also - you might want …

Member Avatar for shahid.tariq
Member Avatar for PrinceyPaul

Hey DaniWeb peeps, I am curious as to what factors make a shopping cart "seo friendly?" In other words, what do you look for in a shopping cart that makes it easy to optimize for the search engines??

Member Avatar for Tania_3
Member Avatar for mcolestechpro

i've never heard of any of these directories. How long have they been around? Do they have editorial integrity? Does anyone have any success stories with these?

Member Avatar for sfts
Member Avatar for eLLaii

[QUOTE=eLLaii;1132332]Hello! Anybody would like to recommend me the list of social networking sites that are based in Australia? Just like . I want to see my pages in the pages in Australia when i search in search engine like :icon_cheesygrin: Thanks![/QUOTE] Don't know about any .AU social networking …

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for

I just read today that Google is looking to hire a "head of social." Too bad they missed the boat with "buzz" but i agree - i think we will eventually see the demise of Facebook and a newer/cooler platform will rise. If anyone is capable, it is Google...

Member Avatar for idontcareit
Member Avatar for safestudent

[QUOTE=SCarlisle;1180255]I have heard that it is OK to have a few no follow links. I guess you don't want all follow links. I'm not sure why.[/QUOTE] well because a link is a link is a link. :) Link citations from relevant resources have better potential for driving qualified traffic to …

Member Avatar for Rakesh456
Member Avatar for umairraja52

dang.. could those tips be any more vague? Maybe... if there were less of them :)

Member Avatar for SEOSepcialist
Member Avatar for technologyb2b

The absolute best sites to post comments on are the site you genuinely have interest in. Not only will your consistent comments be rewarded with replies, but you will also establish yourself within the community - thus earning trust and returned interest in your potential offering. Comment to be heard …

Member Avatar for sweetdoll22
Member Avatar for justlukeyou

If I recall correctly, googlebots [I]used to[/I] use H1 tags to weigh the "importance" of text on a page - so they were, at one point, perceived as beneficial from an SEO standpoint. [I]However[/I], when google saw that webmasters were abusing H1 tags to emphasize keywords and manipulate search rankings, …

Member Avatar for bhavdeeps
Member Avatar for kethyjewel
Member Avatar for hno

I really REALLY wouldn't put any weight into what Alexa has to say about your business. Their data is based on the very small population who use the Alexa toolbar or that they happen to cookie. Therefore, the 'traffic rankings' and 'sites linking in' are very inaccurate and ultimately mean …

Member Avatar for ellena980
Member Avatar for seoindia

The absolute best way to improve "backlinks" is to improve the content of your site. In other words, if you have an amazing resource, product, or service AND you generally provide a good user experience. Others will naturally cite your website.

Member Avatar for markerpeter
Member Avatar for jay 11

The highest-priced keyword in the United States last month sold on Google for $99.44 per click... Can you guess the keyword?

Member Avatar for jtumapat
Member Avatar for olddocks

[QUOTE=dudeoflife;1042053]This may be an old article, but pagerank is still as relevant is it was a few years ago-- despite the new school of thought that pagerank doesn't mean diddly squat. Nothing could be further from the truth. Although achieving pagerank is no longer the yellow brick road to getting …

Member Avatar for jackelie78
Member Avatar for tadisaus2

If i had to choose, i would pay no attention to Google PageRank as that will change once you redesign the site and add new content. Instead, i would evaluate the quality of citations each site currently has and I would also consider which domain is easier to remember and …

Member Avatar for wisemaster
Member Avatar for alfonsejaved

Search engines by design send out robots to crawl and save snippets of all information on the internet. They get from one destination to another by following links. To "put your website in all searching engines" all you have to do is publish some unique content and earn a couple …

Member Avatar for arnab1987
Member Avatar for fsmobilez

If you are going to submit to a directory, be sure to submit to the ones that have editorial integrity. In other words, does the directory reject spammy or low quality sites that do NOT meet their criteria for inclusion? Steer clear of the directories that link to anyone and …

Member Avatar for Chipper11
Member Avatar for brodiesword
Member Avatar for cavinsmither

sure three way link building is good but what about 4-way link building OR... get this... FIVE-WAY link building!! :)

Member Avatar for krishdir
Member Avatar for InsightsDigital

seems pretty cool and i could definitely see myself using it... tho it doesn't look like it returns coupons for the States just yet.

Member Avatar for jovy_WOG
Member Avatar for jacks smith

Hold on to your links. They count as votes of confidence. Don't link to someone just because they link to you. This won't help anyone. Unless you are bartering for high quality traffic, I wouldn't bother with link exchanges.

Member Avatar for willson1
Member Avatar for InsightsDigital

[QUOTE=InsightsDigital;1036584]Other than looking at the CTR, what are other factors or KPIs you look into to determine if your campaign was successful or not?[/QUOTE] I look at the cost-per-conversion and compare that to the average cost of my product. Ultimately, I want the campaign to be profitable but I also …

Member Avatar for willson1
Member Avatar for michael98

Unfortunately, marketing a website and driving qualified traffic does not come packaged neatly with a $2k price tag. My best advice is to either hire someone you trust to optimize your onsite components or if you have the time, buy some books on SEO, SEM/PPC, and maybe attend a couple …

Member Avatar for bizworld
Member Avatar for stephen186

[QUOTE=surindersharma;1083521]Social networking is very effective way for getting quality back links and get high pr for the page[/QUOTE] Really? Can you be more specific on the process of using Social Networking to earn web citations and links?

Member Avatar for EmilyJohnson
Member Avatar for jewboy

[QUOTE=almcsolutions;1075238]It is also dependent on process. Sometimes I have accounts that want aggressive results, this entails the bulk of the work being done in a short amount of time and then maintenance to retain, increase and social branding. In this case, custom and monthly apply. Pricing is based on the …

Member Avatar for agendapal
Member Avatar for centralhost

[QUOTE=mackone;1104413]Write articles and post them on article repository sites like GoArticles with a link back to the forum.[/QUOTE] Hi mackone, i really value your insights here and i'm interested to learn if article submissions really have any SEO impact. It is my understanding that once you submit your unique content …

Member Avatar for data-struction
Member Avatar for lysandra

[QUOTE=InsightsDigital;1105615]Actually posting on those link farms may be deleterious for your SEO rankings.[/QUOTE] i agree with InsightsDigital. Link farms tend to link to EVERYTHING - including low quality, spammy websites. Google and other major search engines can see this and consider the directory a "bad neighborhood" - thus negatively impacting …

Member Avatar for maruthipower
Member Avatar for leannmax

[QUOTE=Robdale;829146]If you have enough money then you can buy high PR links, it is the quickest way to get extreme traffic and top the search engine rankings. Also, you can work on the suggestions given by others.[/QUOTE] This is bad advice. You should [B]NOT [/B]buy links for the sole purpose …

Member Avatar for darenbresman

The End.