4,589 Topics

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How do I establish an open connection to an open web browser in C#? In a Microsoft C# program using a Visual Studio Code I am using the following namespaces: using OpenQA.Selenium; using OpenQA.Selenium.Chrome; using OpenQA.Selenium.Support.UI; After I get a string variable, "url", assigned with a URL of a website …

Member Avatar for xivlauncher
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I want to use C# do to a necessary mass emailing of hundreds of receiving email addresses. I have a gmail account and I believe my message will be better received if it comes from my personal gmail account instead of from one of my website's email accounts. But if …

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How Do I Package and install a Released compiled version version of my .Net Framework? Do I bundle the contents of the Release folder or just the EXE's and DLL's? Do I need to include the app.config and packages.config? Do I need to create an installer somehow?

Member Avatar for rproffitt
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Using the Microsoft.SharePoint.Client namespace in a C# code, I am trying to access a SharePoint List but I am getting a 403. Is it because the Microsft List I am trying to access is on a different computer on the internet and the program has to be on the same …

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Member Avatar for R_4

Hi What is wrong in my this backup code it always not working and gives me an error SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(@"Data Source=(LocalDB)\MSSQLLocalDB; AttachDbFilename=D:\repos\mysales\WindowsFormsApp4\Database1.mdf; Integrated Security=True; "); string database = con.Database.ToString(); if (textBox1.Text == "") { MessageBox.Show("Please Enter Backup File Location"); } else { string cmd = "BACKUP DATABASE …

Member Avatar for Salem
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My .NetFramework version does not work with my Microsoft.SharePointClient.dll version. Which vershions should I use? I am trying to add some CSOM functionality to my C# program such that I will be allowed to do CRUD operations on a Microsoft List (aka SharePoint List). Assuming you know what CSOM and …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Olive34

This is not really a question, since I can make it work. It's just something I have not seen before and I think it is odd. I'm writing some unit tests. One test works fine, but when I change a parameter for another test, it gives an error. The parameters …

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Member Avatar for Nishi_2

The choice of programming language for developing a Ludo game will depend on the specific needs of the project, the skills of the development team, and the target platform. Here are some of the programming languages that can be used for Ludo game development: **C++:** C++ is a high-performance programming …

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Member Avatar for Michael_80

In Unity 3D, utilizing the Starter Assets package, I am trying to swap the mesh on the Starter Asset character that I duplicated in the scene. I unpacked a prefab so that I could utilize the mesh filter of the new prefab that I imported. I realized that there are …

Member Avatar for Rabiya_1

I'm New In c# and want to create a windows service here what I'm trying public TestService() { InitializeComponent(); timeDelay = new System.Timers.Timer(); timeDelay.Elapsed += new System.Timers.ElapsedEventHandler(WorkProcess); } public void WorkProcess(object sender, System.Timers.ElapsedEventArgs e) { string process = "Timer Tick " + count; LogService(process); count++; } protected override void OnStart(string[] …

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Member Avatar for Mike Askew

There has been a noticeable increase in people asking where to start C# recently. So I have been across a couple of forums and pulled together a list of some useful links and resources. # Web Tutorials # [Home and Learn Tutorial](http://www.homeandlearn.co.uk/csharp/csharp.html) [CodeProject Tutorial P1](http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/219869/Object-Oriented-Programming-in-Csharp-NET) [CodeProject Tutorial P2](http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/222295/Object-Oriented-Programming-in-Csharp-NET-Part-2) [CodeProject Tutorial …

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Member Avatar for Mohammad_21

Hello I want to print some data that appear in Form. I print some data( image, labels....) then at point y = 415, I will print all rows of datagridview, at here all is right, but when i want to print rows that need more page, i had wrong result, …

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Member Avatar for Ahmad_77

I wonder if there is any solution to drop an oracle table trigger using c# windows application project

Member Avatar for Aya_962

A small airline has just purchased a computer for its new automated reservations system. You have been asked to develop the new system. You’re to write an application to assign seats on each flight of the airline’s only plane (the capacity of the plane is 10 seats of the same …

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Member Avatar for Onion13

My program worked earlier this year before Windows 10 put and update and suddenly it doesn't work anymore. I have a separate laptop that didn't get the update and it works perfectly. Can someone please tell me what I need to do to get it to work? Ive tried everything …

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Member Avatar for TimTheCoder

I have used Magick.NET to detect all the edges using Canny Edge Detection which basically converts an image to a binary version where the edges are in white and the rest of the image black However I have failed in using the library HoughLine method to detect rectangles or squares …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for TimTheCoder

I have tried the following code to reconstruct image without logo by first converting the image to a binary inverse where the logo appears to be white and the rest of the image black then using inpainting function to reconstruct the original image without the logo part. This is for …

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Member Avatar for Ingmar_1

When I try to install webview2 package from nuget I get this output: Retrieving package 'Microsoft.Web.WebView2 1.0.1418.22' from 'nuget.org'. Adding package 'Microsoft.Web.WebView2.1.0.1418.22' to folder 'C:\Users\pc\Desktop\VS 2015 projects\dbtest\packages' Added package 'Microsoft.Web.WebView2.1.0.1418.22' to folder 'C:\Users\pc\Desktop\VS 2015 projects\dbtest\packages' Install failed. Rolling back... Package 'Microsoft.Web.WebView2.1.0.1418.22' does not exist in project 'webview2' Removing package 'Microsoft.Web.WebView2.1.0.1418.22' …

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Repo: https://github.com/Charles-CarM/Battleship I am currently building my battleship console application in C#. I have prior experience building projects with Vanilla JS and in React. I went through a tutorial on C# and could grasp most of the concepts pretty well. I have jumped into project building because I know this …

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Member Avatar for ali_910

I designed each server and client as seperated projects but they both has the classes in same namespaces When I try to deserialize i get this: Unable to find assembly 'RentACar, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'.' Here is my class i want to send objects as packets using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using …

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In C# ArgumentException is an existing class that derives from Exception; you use it when one or more of a method’s arguments do not fall within an expected range. Write the application SwimmingWaterTemperature containing a variable that can hold a temperature expressed in degrees Fahrenheit. Within the class, create a …

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Hello, I've been programming for at least 5 years now, but I've only done freelance programming projects for pay. I was wondering what to expect from a company position as a software QA tester using C#. What kind of skills are important that aren't immediately obvious, and will it be …

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Member Avatar for Onion13

Working on a game for a friends daughter for her 6th birthday. Its a scrolling game where the player will be Snoopy and they'll be flying around on his doghouse collecting Woodstock (Which are flying around the screen) for each level (There will be 4 levels). At the end of …

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I need a quick solution that will convert HTML doc to PDF and still maintain the same look and feel with pre-populated data and also maintain links in the PDF doc. Any solutions?

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for babar125

Hey guys I managed to get some code what works fine but it uses console application I have tried to convert it by hand and change things around to get it to work but with no avail! I'm certain it should be simple but I may be wrong :( Thanks …

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Member Avatar for lindonnet

We have a pipeline which builds, tests and outputs some artefacts to nuget. After an initial push of the existing codebase (C#), the tests fail in the pipeline where .ToString() is called on a DateTime object, it returns mm/dd/yyyy rather than the UK format dd/mm/yyyy as per our local developer …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for 민성

Picture box picture control is not working using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Data; using System.Drawing; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Windows.Forms; namespace WindowsFormsApp3 { public partial class Form1 : Form { public Form1() { InitializeComponent(); } Color a0; Color a1; Color a2; Color a3; private ColorDialog …

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Member Avatar for TimTheCoder

Hello guys am trying to implement Info Cards using the IInfoCard and IInfoCardFactory and IInfocards interfaces. If you know how to complete the methods of these interfaces to make a program show the forms for the respective categories, then you might just be the guy to help me. I have …


The End.