33 Topics

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##How to set up file synchronization using BitTorrent Sync (part 1) There are a number of services that offer file sharing/syncing via the "cloud". The free versions come with limitations on file size. As well, DropBox suffers from security issues in that encryption is done at the server meaning that …

Member Avatar for vivosmith

<?php if (isset($_POST['submited'])) { if (isset($_FILES['upload'])) { $allowed=array('image/JPEG','application/x-bittorrrent'); if (in_array($_FILES['upload']['type'],$allowed)) { if(move_uploaded_file($_FILES['upload']['tmp_name'] , "../upload/$_FILES['upload']['tmp_name']")) { echo'Your file has been successfully uploaded!'; } else { echo'Please upload a torrent file!'; } } } if ($_FILES['upload']['error']>0){echo 'An error has occured.';} if (file_exists ($_FILES['upload']['tmp_name']) && is_file( $_FILES['upload']['tmp_name'] ) ){ unlink ($_FILES['upload']['tmp_name'] ); } …

Member Avatar for vivosmith
Member Avatar for XodoX

I have a few questions. Server-client code with a (distributed) hash table. Give the peers their own port, own node-ID, predecessor and successor ( node-ID, IP and port of them). That's a snippet of it. port= argv[1]; ownNodeID = atoi(argv[2]); sucNodeID = atoi(argv[3]); sucIP = argv[4]; sucPort = argv[5]; preNodeID …

Member Avatar for happygeek

The University of Birmingham in the United Kingdom has been [researching](www.cs.bham.ac.uk/~tpc/Papers/P2PSecComm2012.pdf) how users of the hugely popular file-sharing BitTorrent peer-to-peer protocol are being monitored by those acting for copyright holders. What the researchers found surprised them, and may surprise those using BitTorrent to download pirated content: the average time it …

Member Avatar for Bigling
Member Avatar for idRATHERgoHUNT

Well i havent posted here for a while lol....but im hopefully going to get back into posting here in the forums. Anyways, I recently downloaded WOW with a 10 day trial version for free, Due to the fact i dont have a credit card and I'm not going to ask …

Member Avatar for remixedcat
Member Avatar for kentzia

I am currently in the research and planning phase for a mobile app, I have never done a mobile app before so please bare with me if I missed some obvious things. The final app will allow users to find other people with similar interests in their vicinity and allow …

Member Avatar for salmansaifi7

i want to append a node in the linked list when i append this as struct node*p; p=NULL; append(p,1); where function is declared as append(struct node*q int num) i append three node, after this i call the function for counting the node, i get the total no node is 0, …

Member Avatar for Schol-R-LEA
Member Avatar for epson121

Hello everyone! I have a question regarding p2p software. I need to build a file sharing system. I am going to build it on .NET platform, in C# language. I was reading for a past few days about the topic and came up with an idea of how to build …

Member Avatar for tez

I have found a tv programme I have searched for for years is available via phantom p2p.com. Is this legal? Any comments welcomed please.

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Member Avatar for Arsenic Oz

Hi there people, I'm looking to build a system that will be primarily used for what is effectively P2P filesharing, via FileZilla. Also I want to be able to share the items stored on it via a LAN. Build budget of as cheap as chips.( and don't mind using older …

Member Avatar for jingda
Member Avatar for dos_killer

hey .. i intend to make a bittorent client of my own .. preferably in python ( although im also open to java or C ) .. i have worked in making a download manager but never with p2p connections... i need advice for beginning...as in which modules would help …

Member Avatar for Schol-R-LEA
Member Avatar for datasmith

Hello, I need to send messages to Android phones through P2P on 3G connection. Sending and receiving works perfectly on lan ip addresses(on wi-fi) but not on 3g or 2g. On 3g I send a message but it never appears on the other end of the line. Can anyone tell …

Member Avatar for anubis_1969
Member Avatar for avanish_yadav

Hello, Network Programming classes have begun for us in the college and I too have been giving it a lot of reading for the past one month. Now, when I have understood the OSI and other reference models including how various protocols like FTTP, HTTP, POP3, P2P etc works; I …

Member Avatar for PCBrown

[ATTACH=RIGHT]16267[/ATTACH]Indie game developer Jeff Vogel (head of Spiderweb Soft.) wrote a thoughtful [URL="http://jeff-vogel.blogspot.com/2010/07/sometimes-its-ok-to-steal-my-games.html"]piece[/URL] on piracy on Wednesday, for his blog, [URL="http://jeff-vogel.blogspot.com/"]The Bottom Feeder[/URL]. As an industry veteran and most important of all, human, he explains why piracy isn't always a bad thing, and can often be downright justifiable given the …

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Member Avatar for KSS

Hi.. i'm using a winsock control to transfer files between two computers which are in the same network..(LAN) and it works fine. Is there a way to transfer a file to another computer that it is not in my network? For example from my computer to a friend's computer.. Any …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for Techwriter10

There has certainly been a lot FUD being spread around lately by the likes of [URL="http://www.comcast.com"]Comcast[/URL] about how [URL="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peer-to-peer"]P2P[/URL] networks are filling up the Internet pipes. Just a couple of weeks ago, fellow Daniweb blogger, Davey Winder wrote (with tongue firmly in cheek), [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/entry2378.html"]The Internet is Full, please get off[/URL], …

Member Avatar for R1pperZ
Member Avatar for Techwriter10

[ATTACH=right]12439[/ATTACH] Leslie Stahl had a piece Sunday night on 60 minutes on the supposed impact of piracy on the movie industry. (You can watch it [URL="http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2009/10/30/60minutes/main5464994_page2.shtml?tag=contentMain;contentBody"]here[/URL].) Her piece was so slanted toward the Motion Picture Association of America, it was almost laughable (if it weren't so maddening). At one point, …

Member Avatar for wouldyoubelieve
Member Avatar for happygeek

When singer Lily Allen posted a passionate plea for people to stop illegally sharing music files, and started a dedicated blog where fellow pop stars could voice their concerns over the 'theft' of their work, you might have been forgiven for thinking it would just turn into the usual bunch …

Member Avatar for GuyClapperton

This is just odd, for too many reasons. [URL="http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/technology/8177285.stm"]A file sharer has been fined $675,000 for downloading illegal music[/URL]. He is a student. People have offered him money because they think it's an unreasonable amount to pay. He has turned them down. Why do I think this is odd? Well, …

Member Avatar for Pooleside
Member Avatar for GuyClapperton

Kazaa has decided to join Pirate Bay in becoming a legal peer to peer service. This raises interesting questions for moralistic pedants like me. The full details of the story are [URL="http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/technology/8159560.stm"]here[/URL] but that's not what I want to discuss. I'm more interested in what sort of message it sends …

Member Avatar for happygeek

It might seem like something of an odd question, unless your idea of a good night in is a box of popcorn and a copy of some dodgy DVD featuring a Captain Jack lookalike doing unmentionable things to his crew. Yet the answer is that these two things, the illegal …

Member Avatar for JJMacey
Member Avatar for happygeek

Following the introduction of the Intellectual Property Rights Enforcement Directive, better known as IPRED, which became law on Wednesday last week, the amount of Internet traffic has plummeted by as much as 40 percent according to the Netnod Internet Exchange which measures such things. Sweden has perhaps been best known, …

Member Avatar for newsguy

According to [URL="http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/29447088/"]reports,[/URL] the security relating to the official Presidential helicopter, Marine One, has been breached. It would appear that engineering and comms data, amounting to a complete avionics package including blueprints, about Obama's helicopter turned up on the computer of defence contractor who also had a P2P file sharing …

Member Avatar for pgaik
Member Avatar for GuyClapperton

It looks like common sense has broken out in New Zealand. There was a proposal to allow people to cut off customers completely when they were suspected of flouting copyright laws. Now that appears to be on [URL="http://www.out-law.com/default.aspx?page=9831"]hold[/URL]. I hope it won't come back. Let's be honest, I don't like …

Member Avatar for happygeek

The Pirate Bay is, without doubt, a huge thorn in the side of the music and movies business. As the [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/entry3479.html"]worlds largest bittorrent tracker[/URL] with more than 3 million users and well over 20 million peers it constantly flips the bird at The Powers That Be. Even the threat of …

Member Avatar for airbourne
Member Avatar for happygeek

It was always going to generate plenty of publicity simply because it was the new Michael Moore documentary movie. It was always going to generate even more publicity because Moore decided to release it for free, on the Internet. The first time, as far as I am aware, that a …

Member Avatar for Techwriter10

On a Friday afternoon before a holiday weekend, Comcast released its latest volley against its customer base, announcing a 250 GB monthly download limit. According to reports, after the first violation, you will get a message from your friends at Comcast warning you about your dastardly behavior (aka using the …

Member Avatar for Techwriter10
Member Avatar for happygeek

Well, OK, they have agreed to throttle the bandwidth of those accounts found to be indulging in the illegal downloading of music via file-sharing networks if their customers do not take heed of a warning letter or two. The [URL="http://www.bpi.co.uk/"]BPI[/URL] (formerly known as British Phonographic Industry) which represents the British …

Member Avatar for darkmikey
Member Avatar for EddieC

Call it a kind of bigotry for the new millennium. The packets of peer-to-peer applications such as BitTorrent have become the target of throttling—even complete blockage—by Internet service providers on their networks. Do they have the right? The revelation comes from [URL=http://broadband.mpi-sws.mpg.de/transparency/results/]study results [/URL] published yesterday by Germany’s [URL=http://www.mpi-sws.org/]Max Plunk …

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Member Avatar for EddieC

A federal court today ruled in favor of people using file-sharing applications such as Napster and Kazaa, notorious for illegal distribution of music files. The ruling was a blow to the [URL= http://www.riaa.org/]Recording Industry Association of America[/URL], which has been combating users and developers of this software because of its …

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The End.