322 Topics

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Member Avatar for anton.yakushin

I am wondering if anyone could recommend the best CMS for an Airbnb-style marketplace that allows people to sublet their apartments, and other people to search, filter, and pay for the apartments listed. These are the main requirements: - Ability to sign up both buyers and sellers. - Accounts for …

Member Avatar for johnlee90
Member Avatar for Martin_22

I've been trying to create the diamond square algorithm in ruby and whilst it works (that is to say it doesn't error) it doesn't output as expected, so far here's the output at various states: # So far# ## First attempt ## [First Attempt][1] This is the output of when …

Member Avatar for Martin_22
Member Avatar for rchawdhari

Hi all, This is my array of hash [{"gate_pass_type_id"=>2, "tag"=>0, "total"=>2000}, {"gate_pass_type_id"=>125, "tag"=>0, "total"=>300}, {"gate_pass_type_id"=>661, "tag"=>0, "total"=>750}, {"gate_pass_type_id"=>661, "tag"=>2, "total"=>100}] I want to convert it into [2 => { "0"=> 2000}, 125=> {"0"=>300}, 661=>{"0" =>750, "2"=>100}] Is any simple way without using so much loops

Member Avatar for rchawdhari
Member Avatar for mattyd

I am attempting to properly install and run a Ruby script. I have not worked in Ruby for some time and am not sure what I'm missing; it worked perfectly in the past (on a work machine.) I am receiving the following error message: **<Main> undefined local variable or method …

Member Avatar for pty
Member Avatar for Mrewan79

I understand how to generate objects from the database, using Sinatra with formatting, and I understand from tutorials how to use POST to send information back, but I don't understand how to use POST to transfer information from the browser (for instance from a text field, or inside <p id="stufftotransfer"><%= …

Member Avatar for cereal
Member Avatar for rchawdhari

Hi everyone, I have to integrate SOAP api using SAVON gem When I am calling url it gives reponse and operations too But When I call methods and posting data it gives me error client = Savon.client(wsdl:"http://netconnect.bluedart.com/Demo/ShippingAPI/WayBill/WayBillGeneration.svc?wsdl") client.operations => [:generate_way_bill, :import_data, :cancel_waybill] client.call(:generate_way_bill, message: data) => The server was unable …

Member Avatar for sebinjose

[B] Can any one just give a video tutorial link to deploy ...a complete ror app..or any text tuts for tat.... [COLOR="Red"]Thanks in advance[/COLOR] .[/B]

Member Avatar for MaheshKale
Member Avatar for rchawdhari

Hi, I have two tables as employee id int primary key, purchase_order_product int, bundle int fabric_bundles id int primary key, purchase_order_product int, bundle int, quantity I want to make assciation between employee and fabric_bundles via purchase_order_product and bundle

Member Avatar for Taywin
Member Avatar for kaleemullah360

I am new to Ruby On Rails. I am facing truble on creating a long running background job. my target is to send notification to all the active users between two given dates on specific given hour interval. Example: **send notification message after every 8 hours to all active users …

Member Avatar for icite

Greetings earthlings, I am a learning programming. My main languages are php & javascript. I was wondering if javascript(maybe with html5) could be enough to create a wix.com type wysiwyg or not, does it require a total other language like c++ or java , rubi ? or something of the …

Member Avatar for jkon
Member Avatar for Webville312

Dear all, So I am trying to run a watir test application. Everything seems to be going well except I need to log each step that happens. I am able to log using the php script, but have not yet figured out how to write to a log file using …

Member Avatar for Deep_4

So, I've some free time in December and want to make a web-app that lets people login, put books they've read, review the books they've read etc. But, I'm not sure how and where to start? What Languages/Frameworks to use? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for Rubydoggy

Hello everyone! I am rubydoggy a wannabe remote rails engineer and i challenged myself to create 10 projects (5 of them open source) to fill my portfolio and my github account. I have already launch a minimal Blog and i am planning the first project. I need a lot of …

Member Avatar for Kevin_20

I have a MySQL table with a string-based primary key. I created it with an ActiveRecord::Migration as follows: create_table( "icd9s", id: false) do |t| t.string "ICD9Code", limit: 7, null: false t.string "ShortDescription", limit: 128, null: false t.string "LongDescription", limit: 255, null: false end add_index(:icd9s, :ICD9Code, unique: true) Then I went …

Member Avatar for rchawdhari

Hi all, My project is on ruby on rails. I have one of ruby api returns json.jbuilder But I want that my api should not return json , it will display html.erb file Is anybody can help me???

Member Avatar for rchawdhari

Hi , I want to create a class in lib folder , from that class want to create mysql view . such as in mysql CREATE VIEW rocket_current_activities AS SELECT rocket_activities.status AS status from rocket_activities.... This can be do in mysql but how to do from rails. I dont want …

Member Avatar for rchawdhari
Member Avatar for MrXortex

I have created an app with simple login authentication, it is actually a twitter clone. The user logs in and access the pages, etc. But when the user posts something from there profile. It gives an error NoMethodError in RibbitsController#create undefined method `userid=' The error is around line 5: class …

Member Avatar for Taywin
Member Avatar for Prince_9

How can I convert this Ruby Gem to PHP? token = "your_nypl_api_token" client = NyplRepo::Client.new(token) ``` ``` token = "your_nypl_api_token" options = {:debug => true, :server_url => "http://api.repo.nypl.org/api/v1"} client = client = NyplRepo::Client.new(token, options) Also url = "http://api.repo.nypl.org/api/v1/items/8568ccd0-c614-012f-1d74-58d385a7bc34.xml" uri = URI.parse(url) http = Net::HTTP.new(uri.host, uri.port) headers = { "Authorization" => …

Member Avatar for cereal
Member Avatar for silverdust

I'm trying to implement upload on [my application](http://github.com/bl4ckdu5t/vitabiotics). I'm hosting the application on Heroku, and I'm using S3. I've created a bucket and I've followed [this guide](https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/paperclip-s3) trying to make it all work. But it still fails and I get no errors. The uploaded images never get to the bucket.

Member Avatar for ritania

Hello, I am doing this image processing programming for pseudocoloring. aFile = File.new("mix.lut","w+") for i in 0...256 red = i*i/255 green = Math.sqrt(i). to_i blue = i aFile.puts "#{red} #{green} #{blue}" end aFile.close I made this simple color LUT, and i want to apply it to an image (RGB image). …

Member Avatar for Taywin
Member Avatar for praveen_dusari

Hi All,i am using sass in my current project, due to some restrictions iam not able to install sass in ruby using gem install sass.. i have downloaded sass from github (https://github.com/sass/sass) not sure where to place this sass in ruby.. tried in ruby->bin folder but not use when i …

Member Avatar for rch1231
Member Avatar for harry.suren

Logout functionality does not working properly in "Production Environment". The logout Function is called in Production Environment by Started GET "/logout" for at 2014-11-11 14:48:52 +0530 instead of Started DELETE "/logout". Note: I don't use Devise Gem in my application. routes.rb root 'welcome#home' get 'signup' => 'users#new' get 'login' …

Member Avatar for Taywin
Member Avatar for harry.suren

Hi Guys, I'm a newbie to rails. I'm bit confused about the following. What is the difference between RSpec and Minitest? Which will be easy and effective to use? Thanks in advance...

Member Avatar for harry.suren

Hi Guys, I'm a newbie to ROR.and I'm developing a sample app for practising. My app is for Quiz game qith time constrains. But, I don't know how to set a timer control for questions. I'm seeking for a solution for that to add timer control. I hope you will …

Member Avatar for CashFlowsToo

Why is Ruby so special? How does it impact Mobile App Development? I don't quite understand how or why rails and ruby is relevant. I'm very new to understanding how and why Ruby is very relevant in Silicon Valley.

Member Avatar for L7Sqr
Member Avatar for yeyo_1

hi, is this forum functional, i will like to brush up my not too grounded ruby knowledge.....

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Member Avatar for Jack_9

Personally I think Python is better then ruby because it runs on the Django framwork and it can do more. But I wanted some debate from ruby devs so bring it on!!

Member Avatar for OrionBlastar
Member Avatar for Ahmed_51

Hey guys, I've been writing a program that will take user jumbled input, find it in a given file, and print the unjumbled word. I've written most the code up to this point but I haven't been able to finish it and am stuck at how to fix it. I've …

Member Avatar for L7Sqr
Member Avatar for Garidius

Hello to all, HAving a hash where its keys are associated with arrays like below: myHash = {"A"=>["HYU"], "B"=>["TU6"], "C"=>["11", "09","88","2"], "D"=>["01", "11"]} Each key represent one header and the arrays elements represent the values for each header. How to print each key in different column separated by comma "," …

Member Avatar for Taywin
Member Avatar for Garidius

Hello to all, Having to arrays of the same size like below. A = ["SL","MW","OP"] B = ["RU","YF","L2"] How can I concatenate in columns to print in parallel like below? SL - RU MW - YF OP - L2 I've tried with code below but is printing all in one …

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The End.