83 Topics
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I have a SQLite database that for some insane reason stores dates as the number of days since 1899-12-31. I want to create a view that will display the date as an actual date. I can calculate a specific date from a specific day number as select date('1899-12-31','Localtime','+44386 day') as … | |
I'm looking to build a command-line tool that will enable me to read an arbitrary XML file combined with a mapping to fill an existing (arbitrary) SQLite database with data. What I'm looking for are conceptual ideas on how to solve this. I've got a possible theoretical solution in mind, … | |
Hello. I am making a database using SQLite. Then I need to make an API with functions that returns information about that database. Then I need to print out a report. However, when I try to return an answer to a query using inputs, nothing is returned. I either get … | |
Deleting a table data from adminer,It is showing error unable to "unable to open database file"..But command line sqlite3 delete query is working in ubuntu. | |
Hi All, in sqlite SMALLINT datatype is used to store 2 bytes integer but i didn't see any Unsigned SMALLINT type to support the range(0-65535). Can anybody let me know how to achieve the same. | |
Hey guise, I have a uni assignment; setting up backend code for a tour company website. Everything's gone swimmingly but I've run into issues implementing a system for rating the tour packages. Implementation for the rating system: user clicks rate button, the rating score is added to a running total … | |
I'm creating a small and simple app to use with my poker league. I've created a small DB that I simply enter the player name, who took them out, and what place they went out in. All of that works just fine. What I need to do is implement the … | |
Hello!!I have a database and I want to display its data into a QTreeView in PyQt.The database's column has file paths.I have a problem in filling this treeview with data because it's a database and I'm not sure if it is like working with txt files and because it is … | |
Hello. When we want to insert a vlue into a table in sqlite, we use this line, right? cursor.execute('INSERT INTO colors Values ("red", "blue")') As we can see above, we want to insert 2 words and we type them as when we are typing whole the codes. But i want … | |
Hello everybody. How can i get "ls" from shell scripting? I tried this but it doesn't work, i saved it in a file: #!/bin/bash $ls I know the second line is not correct, so what should i type? Getting "ls" is just an example, i infact want to import this … | |
Is there are an easier way of serializing a vector attribute of an object in c++ using sqlite3? | |
I can serialize an object if it's class definition has attributes. So if I have an object whose class does not have attributes, do I serialize the attributes importedi in it's class definition? For example; suppose I have the following class, #ifndef BREAD_H #define BREAD_H #include "EGGS.h"; #include "FLOUR.h"; class … | |
Hello, The reason why im asking for this is becouse im currently making a project that needs data storage. And sqlite seems to be perfect for that matter. I've already read the documentation of Sqlite3 but i found that insufficient. It didn't really explain much besides the obvious. I can … | |
Hi guys i have an sql query string that in my view there is something wrong with it but i an handicaped since i am very new to sql so my question is, is there any way of optimizing this query string select t1.cat,t1.site from (select cat,site from news where … | |
I am new to Qt and I'm trying to connect a remote database. QSqlDatabase db = QSqlDatabase::addDatabase( "QMYSQL" ); db.setHostName("IP ADRESS"); // local or IP db.setPort(3306); // Default port is 3306 db.setUserName("DB USER"); // example root db.setPassword("PASSWORD"); db.setDatabaseName("DB NAME"); if( !db.open() ) { qDebug() << db.lastError(); qFatal( "Failed to connect." … | |
I am developing an android application using java with SQLite. The following code make the error: String selectQuery = "SELECT * FROM User"; Cursor cursor = db.rawQuery(selectQuery, null); I checked my program and I found that the cursor make unfortunatly error. Please help from where is the error come?? | |
Hi am kinda new in python programing. I have this game that involves a user inputs a value , say color it iterates over imported modules( in this case color) and prints data about it. The problem is that i cant get to code the best way to iterate over … | |
This python script prints all the columns of an sqlite database which path is given as argument. | |
Is there a pythonistic way available to search all the tables and columns of an Sqlite3 database? The only inputs would be the name of the sqlite DB file or a raw input. I am trying to write a forensics tool and want to search sqlite files for a specific … | |
Hi Guys , I couldnt dispay sum of a column of sqlite database in php . I tried the sql statement in database its working fine but not sure how to dispay the result in PHP . I belive i need to fetch it and then dispay any help will … | |
I'm trying to represent my data using a bar graph, the data being displayed is goodVotes, neutralVotes and badVotes on the x-axis for each of my pieces of data (records in an sqlite3 database). I wish the "bookName" of each record to be displayed on the x axis of the … | |
HI, I created an app to add a clinc details to the sqlite3 db from xcode. the code is below. The (sqlite3_step(statement1) == SQLITE_DONE) does not execute it. I dont get an error or anything. I can't figure out what exactly is wrong.Apprecite if someone can tell me what i … | |
Sorry, I posted this in software development not python. How do i make an auto-incrementing column? Heres my pseudocode/sql attempt c.execute('''CREATE TABLE <tableName> ( <columnName> <auto incrementing??!!>, <columnName2> text, <columnName3> text, <columnName4> text ) ''') | |
How do i make an auto-incrementing column? Heres my pseudocode/sql attempt How do you make an auto-incrementing ID for a record c.execute('''CREATE TABLE <tableName> ( <columnName> <aut incrementing??!!>, <columnName2> text, <columnName3> text, <columnName4> text ) ''') | |
can anyone help me in configuring the sqlite with php. I have tried changing the php.ini and enabling the extension from the extensions list. I am using the wamp for development. Please fix my error. Thanks in advance | |
I'm starting my Computing project and am using Python linked via sqlite3 to a database. As part of my project I shall be searching for maths books in the database via name or module etc. I wish to display the results on a GUI in python so need to set … | |
Hello, Everyone, I need your help with my code, I am trying to display the image from database to picturebox but I can't figure it out. Below is my code: Private Sub LoadImage(ByVal ind As Integer) Dim cn As New SQLiteConnection("Data Source=C:\db\QC_ASD_2013_08_09.qdb") Dim cmd As New SQLiteCommand(String.Concat("SELECT beeld_data FROM image … | |
On the form user enter rego no where it search database and display the output what i am looking is, if the entered data not match its should display " Record not found." <?php $search_Rego = ($_POST['RegoNo']); try { //open the database $db = new PDO('sqlite:iSearch.sqlite'); $result = $db->query("SELECT Fname … | |
I have a very small sqlite3 database with one row consisting of three columns but I can get the page to display the row to save my life. So far all I've been able to get the page to display is the first column of the one row that's in … |
The End.