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55 Posted Topics

Member Avatar for theashman88

I got a new laptop and I didn't have enough money to buy Microsoft Office so I got Kingsoft Office instead. I'm trying to copy and paste a questionnaire that I completed online for a quiz for class. The questionnaire has the question and a box where you select true …

Member Avatar for tahseen_1
Member Avatar for theashman88

Hi I got a quick question. Is there any way i can change the background color and the text color within my compiler of dev-c++. I'm not trying to change the color of the output when I run the program, I'm talking about the actual code itself and its compiler. …

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Member Avatar for theashman88

Hi I'm trying to back up my Windows 7 Pro 64bit onto an external hard drive but every time I try to backup I get an error. The error code says: **The backup application could not start due to an internal error: The service cannot be started, either because it …

Member Avatar for Captain119
Member Avatar for theashman88

I know this has been asked before, but I can't find any simple answers for a noob like me in C#. What exactly is a static method. I mean what does it mean to be static vs. nonstatic. I know in the code with the main method we use `public …

Member Avatar for RichardGalaviz
Member Avatar for theashman88

I am creating a form that uses a DateTimePicker control to display the date in the format of h:mm:ss tt. I am trying to make the default time one hour ahead. The control is labeled deliveryTime and I tried double clicking it and then typing in `DateTime.Now.AddHours(1);` I dont know …

Member Avatar for ddanbe
Member Avatar for theashman88

Hi I'm creating a code for my class and what I'm trying to do is to create a triangle class that is derived from abstract class TwoDimShape. However; when I create the triangle class and use base as a variable I get an error. My teacher wants us to use …

Member Avatar for deceptikon
Member Avatar for theashman88
Member Avatar for tinstaafl
Member Avatar for theashman88

I'm trying to create a code that gives the factorial for a number given. If it is negative, string, or to large of a number an error should return. I figured out how to do the catch for the negative and string, but I'm confused on how to create a …

Member Avatar for cgeier
Member Avatar for theashman88

I'm trying to create a program that passes arguments of size of three shapes, a circle, a triangle, and a rectangle. I got those but everytime I run the code it displays the arguments as 0 instead of giving me the shape dimension. Here is the code. using System; class …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for theashman88

So the code is this but I can't figure out the problem. I included the error alongside with it. using System; public class SavingAccount { public static decimal interestRate = 0.02M; public string Name { get; set; } public decimal Balance { get; set; } public SavingAccount(string n) { Name …

Member Avatar for samsylvestertty
Member Avatar for theashman88

I'm having an error when I run this code any ideas? When I run it and enter the code it works if I enter the same numbers I had entered before his turn, but if i enter different numbers I get Unhandled Exception: System.IndexOutOfRangeException: Index was outside the bounds of …

Member Avatar for Momerath
Member Avatar for theashman88

public static void Main (string[] args) { int row; int column; int[,] game; game = new int[3, 3] { { 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0, 0 } }; Console.WriteLine("Player 1's turn."); Console.Write("Enter row [1, 2 or 3]: "); row = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); Console.Write("Enter column …

Member Avatar for Momerath
Member Avatar for theashman88

It keeps telling me there is an error on line 22 when I run the program. Does anyone see the problem. My goal was to create a jagged array where the first block had 3 grades, the second block had 2 grades, and the third block had 4 grades. using …

Member Avatar for Momerath
Member Avatar for theashman88

So I'm basically trying to recreate the simulation of two dice being rolled, and I need to count the frequency in a two dimensional rectangular array, then display the array. I'm so lost I wrote some code but it didn't work, can anyone help. This is the assignment I'm not …

Member Avatar for cgeier
Member Avatar for theashman88

I understand the concept of using get and set with instance variables, but I am confused about using get and set by themselves For example `public string random {get; set;}` what is the purpose of this, and how can I use this in my code. I am a beginning programmer …

Member Avatar for tinstaafl
Member Avatar for theashman88

`Console.WriteLine("Students {0}", variable)` This i understand but what does it mean when you put two numbers within the bracket example: `Console.WriteLine("Students {0,2}: {1,3}", student + 1, grades [student])` What do the 2 and 3 represent. I know the 0 and 1 correspond to variables, but I'm not clear on the …

Member Avatar for ddanbe
Member Avatar for theashman88

I took the liberty of posting the assignment and the work I've done. I can't figure this one out, can anyone help me And I did put an attempt at this, almost 4 hours now and I'm burnt out. If anyone can help me I would soooo love you. "Your …

Member Avatar for tinstaafl
Member Avatar for theashman88

using System; public class RollDie { public static void Main( string[] args ) { Random randomNumbers = new Random(); // random number generator int[] frequency = new int[ 7 ]; // array of frequency counters // roll die 6000 times; use die value as frequency index for ( int roll …

Member Avatar for castajiz_2
Member Avatar for theashman88

I am currently running vmware 10 and I am running CentOS 6.5 in it for a class I am taking. The last time I used it was last thursday, (it is currently monday) and it worked perfectly. Now it seems that everytime I want to load a browser I get …

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for theashman88

Allow others access files in your home directory by granting them "search" permissions. Create a publicly searchable, but not listable, subdirectory to your home directory, ~/pub. Create two subdirectories of ~/pub, both searchable and listable to only the members of the groups music and wrestle, respectively: ~/pub/music and ~/pub/wrestle. Note …

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for theashman88

I'm stuck on this problem any one know the answer. **Write a query that displays the grade of all employees based on the value of the column JOB, as per the table shown below. Order the result according to the grade! ** JOB GRADE PRESIDENT A MANAGER B ANALYST C …

Member Avatar for theashman88
Member Avatar for theashman88

I'm currently using Microsoft Visual Studio express 2013 for Windows Desktop. I have a program that I created and want to share it with friends, but I'm trying to locate the .exe file. (It's a terminal program that gives a quiz). How can I find the executable file. Or do …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for theashman88

I'm trying to create a program in c# that asks the user a question and then tells him if he is correct or incorrect, the code I am using only allows for case to be the same. Is there a way I can compare two strings without it checking for …

Member Avatar for theashman88
Member Avatar for theashman88

By examining the first, third and last (seventh) fields of the /etc/passwd file, determine the userid and login shell for your username, the user root, and the user nobody (yes, there is a system user with the username "nobody"). Create simple files in your home directory, called my.uid,, root.uid, …

Member Avatar for rch1231
Member Avatar for theashman88

I'm currently having an assignment that wants me to copy a select amount of files. More specifically files that are even using the cp command. The assignment is to copy files that start with cp and are even. This was my command at first `cp[24680]*` but it returned all files …

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for theashman88

i recently purchased a Dell 17 (3721) Inspiron and when I turn it on recently I've been getting a blank black screen after i enter my password and click log in. I have to press ctrl + alt + delete shut down explorer then turn it back on to get …

Member Avatar for theashman88
Member Avatar for theashman88

I know with linux when I want to change the color code I can type in echo -e \033[COLORm] Is there an easy way like this to change the color in windows scripting. I tried @echo off REM This program will list all the colors REM Selected by user input …

Member Avatar for cuzintone
Member Avatar for theashman88

@echo off REM This batch file will play with shift command :loop echo %1 shift if %2 == GOTO end goto loop :end exit 0 When I inputted C:\Users\~\Desktop> Shift.bat 1 2 3 I got this 1 2 end was unexpected at this time. Why do I keep getting "end …

Member Avatar for gerbil
Member Avatar for theashman88

I'm having some error in my code but I can't understand what the problem is. #!/bin/bash ARG_COUNT=$# EXP_ARGS=2 if [ $ARG_COUNT -eq $EXP_ARGS ]; then echo "The correct number of parameters was passed: " $EXP_ARGS"." echo "My name is: "$1 $2"." else echo "Incorrect number of command line arguments. We …

Member Avatar for theashman88
Member Avatar for theashman88

I'm in a class and we discussed what set /p does, but I wasn't paying close attention, I was wondering if anyone could explain to me what set /p does and an example of how I can use it in a batch file for dos

Member Avatar for cuzintone

The End.